
Kaley Cuoco shares her tips for a better life。凯莉·库柯和我们分享了她获得美好生活的小技巧。
The Big Bang Theory star's secrets to health and happiness include horseback riding and spinning - and eating lots of oatmeal。这位《生活大爆炸》的明星保持健康身体和快乐心态的秘密来源于她平时的积极锻炼,包括骑马、动感单车、还有吃很多的燕麦。
Kaley appears on the cover of the January issue of SELF magazine and revealed simple, no nonsense fitness tips in an informative interview。凯莉出现在SELF杂志一月封面,并在采访中透露了她简单可靠的健康小贴士。
'I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk,' Kaley, 27, tells SELF. 'If I don't, I'm dying by noon and eating everything in sight.'“早上我以燕麦片和香草味的杏仁乳开始新的一天,”27岁的凯莉告诉SELF杂志,“如果不这样,我到了中午就会很难过,并且会吃掉眼前一切可吃的。”
One of her favourite workouts is horseback riding in spite of the fact that she almost lost her foot when a horse threw her and trampled her in 2010.她最喜欢的锻炼之一就是骑马,尽管在2010年她曾从马上摔下并被马踩到,差点儿失去了她的腿。
'I took my first riding lesson at 15, and I've ridden almost every day since,' Kaley says, adding: 'Two years ago, I fell off my horse and crushed my leg.'“我15岁时开始了我的第一堂骑马课,从那以后我几乎天天都骑马,”凯莉说,并补充道,“两年前,我从马上掉下来并且腿部骨折。”
'Before surgery, I had to sign a contract saying it was OK if they had to amputate! When I awoke with my leg, I was so happy.'“在手术前我还要签合同,表示如果不得不截肢的话我是同意的!当我醒来看到我的腿还在时,我高兴极了!”
'I have four horses, and they are my everything. I was determined not to lose that. I am a little more careful now.'“我有四匹马,它们是我的一切。我下决心不会丢弃它们,现在我会更加小心了。”